dinsdag 26 februari 2013

HCG Diet and Weight Loss Protocol Quick Summary

HCG Diet Simplicity

Way too many people make the HCG weight loss protocol much more complicated than it really is. It is simply a hormone-directed, very low-calorie diet that is ultra-low in fat and carbohydrate. The recent growth in popularity of this protocol, however, has attracted so much nonsense that it is difficult to know what is right and what is wrong.

Whenever I hold a presentation in my store, I always start out by putting everyone on the same page with a summary of the key points that answer most questions before anyone even asks. They are as follows:

The HCG Hormone

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a complex protein hormone that is produced by pregnant women. Its normal function is to direct the mother to use her own stored fat to nourish a developing fetus.

Different Forms of HCG

Different forms of HCG include the original form, an oral (sublingual), a new transdermal form (cream), and homeopathic drops. The original, sublingual, and transdermal forms are all equally effective.

Non-HCG and Fake HCG

I have no scientific basis for evaluating homeopathic HCG, since it contains no actual HCG. All other forms contain measurable dosages of the hormone.

Some products on the market are labeled as alternative HCG. These are herbal formulas that contain no HCG at all.

Genetically Engineered HCG

Native HCG that is isolated from the urine of pregnant women is available under several brand names, including Pregnyl, Follutein, Profasi, and Novarel.

A genetically engineered form of HCG, called Ovidrel, is produced by Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. It is not identical to the complete native hormone. Nevertheless, it works just as well as the native hormone.

Dosages and Calories

When administered to overweight men and women, low dosages of HCG cause the reduction of abnormal fat when food calories are restricted to no more than 500 calories per day. (This would be an unhealthy starvation diet without the action of HCG to derive calories from fat!)

The Basic Diet Plan

The diet consists of four components in each of two daily meals: 1) a nonfat protein; 2) a vegetable; 3) a fruit; and, 4) a serving of Melba toast. The program also encourages the intake of plenty of water and allows unlimited amounts of black coffee and tea. Stevia is the only approved sweetener.

Important Supplements

Key supplements for enhancing results include green tea, chromium, goat's rue, cha de bugre, CLA, and probiotics.

Duration of the Protocol

Because HCG is a hormone that trains specific brain receptors, it advisable to use the hormone for a minimum of 27 days (the 30-day program) or a maximum of 40 days (the 43-day program). Maximum weight loss during the 30-day program is typically 25 lbs. For the 43-day program it is typically 35 lbs. Further reduction beyond 35 lbs. requires an additional HCG series after a layoff period.

Unique Fat Reduction

Fat reduction via HCG shapes your body by burning abnormal fat. You will not go below a healthy weight level or become too skinny. You will simply look the way you are supposed to look when you are not carrying excess abnormal fat.

Bonus Side Effects

According to Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, the discoverer of this program in the 1950s, the bonus benefits of the HCG Weight Loss Diet include restoring steroid hormone balance, slowing or reversing the downhill slide of hypoglycemia and diabetes, re-energizing thyroid and adrenal glands, breaking up arterial plaque, reducing rheumatic pain, and lowering blood pressure.

Lifetime Aftercare Strategy

HCG-based weight reduction is only the first phase. You must also follow certain dietary guidelines (i.e., no sugar, low starch) for a 3-week second phase. You must also adopt a sensible diet and lifestyle for the rest of your life. This is when the right diet, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle are most important for your long-term weight management and total health.

Lifetime Supplements

This is another topic that has attracted a lot of craziness. Keep it simple! There is nothing simpler or better than what I have listed above as the key supplements for enhancing results before, during, and after the protocol. These include green tea, chromium, goat's rue, cha de bugre, CLA, and probiotics.

How Effective is the HCG Protocol?

Dr. Simeons estimated the effectiveness, or success rate, at better than 90%. In my experience, this depends on compliance. If you do not follow the protocol, you will fail. Furthermore, if you do not live sensibly after you reach your target weight, you will gain rebound fat. There are no silver bullets, magical drugs, or miracle surgical procedures that can help you if you do not do the right thing.

I hope that helps your thinking a little bit!
Dr. Dennis Clark is a retired research scientist and university professor. He uses his professional expertise to explain the real science of natural health. See what he has to say in, "Myths and Truths About the HCG Weight Loss Diet," and, "The 27 Most Common Questions and Answers About the HCG Diet," which are available for free at BestHCGWeightLoss.com.

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